Battle Keep, work in progress

Friday, December 7, 2012


I first posted some pixels for Battle Keep way back in October 2010, it’s been a very long time in the making but things are moving forward. Battle Keep will eventually be a fast paced, Bomber Man meets Gears of War meets 16bit Gauntlet boom-em-up!

Keep following it’s progress over on it’s development site here:



Reprisal released

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Last Sunday at the stroke of midnight, Reprisal was released. An on-line RTS game made in homage to Populous that’s been a personal project for almost a year. Seven days on from the release and it’s already had well over 100,000 plays and been featured on numerous gaming sites. Being my first attempt at a game, this has been overwhelmingly incredible to see.


Edge magazine “Its chunky, and fashionable, pixel visuals are augmented with an attractive, tilt-shifted depth of field effect that gives the game a unique look, while the cheerful tutorial leads you through the game’s territory-conquering gameplay with easy charm.

Download the full desktop version of Reprisal for free!


From the press release:

You must guide your tribe to island glory by either collecting lost totems or reprising the land removing any tribes that may stand in your way. Totems will allow you to control nature itself, from raising or lowering land to summoning fire from the sky, volcanoes, tidal waves and many more.

Developed by Jon Caplin over the course of a year, Reprisal has been made in homage to Populous, one of the first ‘god’ type games made. Jon’s background in games consisted of playing them rather than making them, with Reprisal being his first, applying his background in fine art and graphic design to the task.

Reprisal combines nostalgic pixel graphics, tilt shift effects and a complement of 8 chiptunes by Eric Skiff.

From the moment of using a Spectrum 16k home computer the fascination of pushing little coloured blocks around a TV screen took hold. Spending what seemed like hours typing in code listings from magazines, just to draw a graphic of a union jack … and then finding you’d entered a number wrong so it was all messed up will hit a heart string with a generation of home coders I’m sure. The coding seed was sown even though I didn’t realise it back then.

Progressing to a Commodore Amiga 500 and playing Populous, I realised the power of capturing someone’s attention making them lose hours of their lives playing games. I fell in love with those little pixel guys!

I made Reprisal in homage to Populous and most of the development is done from memories of the game. Approaching the game as a personal graphic design project it began as a way to fill time recovering from a broken jaw. Hopefully it will re-introduce gamers to the original, simplistic genius of the early ‘god’ games.


Cravendale and The Muppets

Monday, January 16, 2012


The Muppets and Cravendale milk have teamed up to celebrate the release of the new The Muppets film. The campaign centres around a social media giveaway of hundreds of thousands of unique, limited edition Muppets stickers designed specifically for two-litre Cravendale bottles. A microsite was designed to distribute the stickers and a facebook app along with numerous digital assets.

The milk matters Cravendale site
Designed and developed at Outside line studios




Soon …

Thursday, January 5, 2012




Design and illustration work for mobile app. Last 17 – Revolutionizing pixels one at a time, watch this space …

mixibits – make your own mix tapes

Friday, April 8, 2011 is quite simply a site dedicated to restoring the love for the humble audio cassette. On its most simple level it is about finding tracks that you love and sharing them with other people, at its most complex it is a religion…

Mix now
Lovingly mixed by last17 collective

Entered straight in at #1 on the DesignCharts, 17th April 2011